Corrections to JP8410-4.asm to make clock count Mayan Lines 9-22 and 40 to 62 should not be indented. __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _WDT_OFF & _XT_OSC & _PWRTE_ON ; Add config for 16F84A Old Line 270 BTFSS STATUS, C ; "status" and "c" should capitalized Use these values for the digits lookup table. decode: MOVLW 0x01 MOVWF PCLATH MOVF ddat,W ADDWF PCL,F ; values of digits RETLW 0x01 ; mayan 0 RETLW 0x02 ; mayan 1 RETLW 0x06 ; mayan 2 RETLW 0x0E ; mayan 3 RETLW 0x1E ; mayan 4 RETLW 0x20 ; mayan 5 RETLW 0x22 ; mayan 6 RETLW 0x26 ; mayan 7 RETLW 0x2E ; mayan 8 RETLW 0x3E ; mayan 9 RETLW 0x00 ; blank